Gardening Tips
Save money by growing healthy, delicious food
Here's how:

Grow herbs in the kitchen
Basil, cilantro, and chives grow great indoors. Find a sunny window where your herbs will get at least four hours of direct sunlight. Start seeds or small plants with premixed potting soil and keep the soil moist.
Grow tomatoes from groceries
Grow lots of tomatoes from the seeds of one ripe heirloom. Squeeze seeds into a container, cover with water, and set aside for a few days. Rinse them really well, removing any tomato pieces, and dry your seeds until it’s time to plant them.
Growing a Perfect Tomato
Video provided via University of Missouri System Extension
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
Video provided via Utah State University Extension
Keeping Your Vegetable Garden Healthy
Video provided via The Ohio State University Extension
Make a salad garden
Grow your own self-contained salad garden with lettuce, radishes and tomatoes. Plant seeds in window boxes or recycled plastic containers, like clean milk jugs or laundry detergent bottles with tops cut off.
Re-grow vegetables at home
Place the base of your celery stalks, scallion ends, and leftover lettuce stems in shallow containers of water in the sun. Change the water daily, and transfer to soil once they begin to grow.
Save rainwater, save money
Collect rainwater instead of watering from the faucet and adding to your bill. The lukewarm water is less shocking to plants and typically contains fewer contaminants because it’s completely untreated.
Save your eggshells
Start seedlings in empty eggshells instead of containers. The shells are self-composting, so you can plant the entire thing once it sprouts, and your plant will get a boost of calcium that doesn’t cost a dime.
Spend less on soil
Instead of filling an entire pot with expensive soil, fill half with reused packing peanuts, followed by a layer of fabric covering the foam. Your potted plant will cost you less, and be a little easier to carry around the house.
Sprinkle cinnamon on seedlings
Over-watered, damp soil can lead to diseased plants. Cinnamon has amazing anti-fungal qualities that could be a low-cost way to keep them healthy.
Try DIY garden toppers
Make your own mulch with crushed up leaves and grass clippings, and create nutrient-rich compost from fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and filters, and ground-up eggshells.
Water plants with ease
Fill any recycled glass bottle with water, and place it upside down in the soil of your potted plant. Water will slowly seep out of the bottle, watering your plants while you’re away.
What is Container Gardening?
Video provided via North Carolina EFNEP